Friday, March 11, 2011

Most Hoosiers getting used to Daylight Saving switch

Indianapolis - Prepare to spring forward! Sunday morning marks the beginning of Daylight Saving Time, when clocks are pushed ahead one hour. Indiana adopted DST a few years ago.

Listen to his spring and summer plans and you'll realize, Dan Palo is what you might call a golf enthusiast.

"At least 18 holes a day, 6 days a week, I'm hoping," said Palo.

He purchased a membership to Riverside Golf Course just in time to spring forward so he could have an extra hour of daylight to play in the evening.

"I'm one of those people that want to get their money's worth, so that's that much more golf I can play and means that much more bang for my buck," he said.

Also profiting from changing the clocks is Celadon Trucking.

"It has reduced the number of mistakes we were making," said Stephen Russell, Celadon Trucking.

Russell was referring to simple things like confusing drop-off and pick up times. Now, with Indiana in step with the rest of the country, the Indianapolis-based transportation company is prospering even more.

"We have achieved growth and part of that growth achievement is because of daylight saving time," said Russell.

In the past, Indiana was one of just three states were clocks were never touched. That changed in 2005 with the adoption of DST. Now Hoosiers lose an hour of sleep in the spring and gain an hour of sunlight in the evening.

Adopting DST was a huge campaign issue for Gov. Mitch Daniels. He gave Stephen Russell a Sagamore of the Wabash for his efforts in pushing for the change.

"The real issue was the economic impact on the state," said the governor.

While there are no hard numbers to show that impact, Celadon has added 800 workers and now employs 4,000 in North America.

"It was hurting our ability to be good. You just knew it," said Russell.

While most Hoosiers have grown accustomed to the time change, many feel the state should be in the Central, not Eastern Time Zone. One group is pushing for that change.

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